Category: Computer Vision

How to stitch multiple cameras together on a moving vehicle

Image stitching is the process of combining multiple images together to create a seamless panorama or a large-scale image. This technique is commonly used in photography, virtual reality, and mapping applications. In this blog, we will take a deep dive into the concepts of image stitching, including sensor and vehicle frame of reference, origin point,…
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Uncovering ADAS Failure Cases: The Importance of Edge Vision Analytics and Fleet Queries in Vehicle Safety

Collecting failure cases from a fleet of L3 ADAS vehicles is a crucial task in ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems. With the increasing use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in vehicles, it is important to have a reliable and efficient method for collecting and analyzing data from these systems. One way…
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Navigating the complexities of coordinate frames: A guide to understanding the differences in Three.js, ROS, and Unreal Engine

Coordinate frames are an important aspect of robotics and computer graphics, as they determine the position and orientation of objects in 3D space. However, different platforms and software libraries use different conventions for their coordinate frames, which can lead to confusion and errors when working with multiple systems. Three.js, ROS, and Unreal Engine are all…
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Unsupervised Machine Learning and Speed Ups in Labeling

Unsupervised machine learning is a type of machine learning that involves training a model on a dataset without providing it with labeled examples. Instead, the model is asked to discover the underlying structure of the data on its own. One popular technique for unsupervised machine learning is clustering, which involves grouping similar data points together.…
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Integrating Federated Learning into CVAT & MLFlow

Federated learning is a machine learning technique that enables the training of models on decentralized data, without the need for the data to be centralized in one location. Instead, data is distributed across a number of different devices or edge devices, such as smartphones or IoT devices, and the model is trained by aggregating updates…
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Data backhauling tips and techniques to save on bandwidth & latency

Data backhauling refers to the process of transferring data from one location to another, typically from a remote or geographically dispersed location to a central location or “backhaul.” This process is often used in industries such as transportation, where data from vehicles or other mobile assets is collected and sent back to a central location…
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Training a Model in MLFlow from CVAT label data

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) is an open source tool developed by Intel that allows users to label and annotate images and video data for training machine learning models. MLFlow is an open source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle. It provides tools for tracking experiment runs, organizing code, and reproducing runs, among…
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Integrating CVAT annotation into MLFlow

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) is an open-source annotation tool for computer vision tasks that allows users to label and manage large datasets quickly and efficiently. Integrating CVAT with an MLFlow framework can streamline the data labeling process and make it easier to track and analyze the performance of your machine learning models. Here is…
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Dimensionality reduction and how it helps reduce the search space by leveraging known information

Removing dimensions or making invariant features is a technique used to reduce the search space in a problem by eliminating certain variables or making them irrelevant. This can be especially useful in LiDAR slam, which has a 6Dof search space (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw). By reducing the dimensions, the number of permutations in…
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