Category: MLOps

RoadMentor Demo Day March 7

The world of artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving, and as AI performance improves from 95% to 99.99999%, traditional annotation methodologies are no longer sufficient to keep up with the changing AI landscape. Organizations that fail to adapt risk falling behind the competition. To address this issue, Hyperspec AI has launched RoadMentor, a SaaS platform designed…
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Drive smarter, not harder: The OODA loop’s way to advanced driving assistance

The OODA loop, or Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act loop, is a decision-making framework that was developed by military strategist and United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd. The OODA loop is based on the idea that in any situation, the side that can cycle through the loop faster and more effectively will have a…
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Roadmap Compression via Streamlining MLOps Infrastructure and its Impacts on ADAS programs

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are becoming increasingly important in the automotive industry as they offer a wide range of features that enhance the safety and comfort of the driving experience. However, the development and deployment of ADAS systems can be a complex and time-consuming process. Traditional hand-coded algorithms and feature engineering, while they have…
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Integrating Federated Learning into CVAT & MLFlow

Federated learning is a machine learning technique that enables the training of models on decentralized data, without the need for the data to be centralized in one location. Instead, data is distributed across a number of different devices or edge devices, such as smartphones or IoT devices, and the model is trained by aggregating updates…
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WebGPU and Federated Learning with FedML, a Killer Combo

WebGPU is a new technology that allows developers to take advantage of the power of the GPU (graphics processing unit) in modern browsers. It allows for faster and more efficient processing of complex tasks, including machine learning algorithms. One of the key benefits of WebGPU is its ability to support federated learning. Federated learning is…
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Training a Model in MLFlow from CVAT label data

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) is an open source tool developed by Intel that allows users to label and annotate images and video data for training machine learning models. MLFlow is an open source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle. It provides tools for tracking experiment runs, organizing code, and reproducing runs, among…
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Integrating CVAT annotation into MLFlow

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) is an open-source annotation tool for computer vision tasks that allows users to label and manage large datasets quickly and efficiently. Integrating CVAT with an MLFlow framework can streamline the data labeling process and make it easier to track and analyze the performance of your machine learning models. Here is…
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Data balancing to remove data bias, do a deep dive on different approaches

Data balancing is the process of ensuring that a machine learning dataset is representative of the real-world population from which it is drawn. This is important because if a dataset is biased, then the machine learning model that is trained on that dataset will also be biased. Bias in machine learning models can lead to…
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Improving Model Performance from 99.9% to 99.999999%

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with many industries adopting it to improve efficiency and productivity. However, there is always room for improvement, and one area where AI can be further enhanced is in terms of accuracy. Currently, many AI systems have an accuracy rate of around 99.9%, which is…
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Loose Coupling vs Tight Coupling; Best of Both Worlds

Loose coupling and tight coupling refer to the degree of interdependence between different components in a system. In software development, loose coupling refers to the design of components that can operate independently of one another and do not rely heavily on the internal details of other components. Tight coupling, on the other hand, refers to…
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Validating Search Algorithms with a Dimensionality Analysis

Brute forcing is a method of searching through a search space by testing every possible solution. This method can be useful for validating search algorithms, as it provides a means of comparing the results of the search algorithm to the true solution. One way to validate search algorithms using brute forcing is to quantify the…
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ROS 1 vs ROS 2 Tradeoffs and Advantages

ROS (Robot Operating System) is a popular open-source robotics framework that provides libraries and tools for building robot applications. There are currently two versions of ROS: ROS 1 and ROS 2. In this article, we will explore the tradeoffs and advantages of both versions and discuss the tools available for converting between them. We will…
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Scope of noise and how to expand it

Noise is an inherent part of any machine learning (ML) model development process. It refers to any random or unpredictable variations in the data that can impact the accuracy of the model. Noise can come from a variety of sources, including measurement errors, data quality issues, and even the sampling process itself. In the process…
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