Data balancing to remove data bias, do a deep dive on different approaches

Data balancing to remove data bias, do a deep dive on different approaches

Data balancing is the process of ensuring that a machine learning dataset is representative of the real-world population from which it is drawn. This is important because if a dataset is biased, then the machine learning model that is trained on that dataset will also be biased. Bias in machine learning models can lead to inaccurate or unfair predictions, which can have serious consequences in fields such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice.

There are several approaches to data balancing, including:

  1. Undersampling: This involves reducing the number of examples from the majority class (i.e. the class that is overrepresented in the dataset) in order to balance the dataset.
  2. Oversampling: This involves increasing the number of examples from the minority class (i.e. the class that is underrepresented in the dataset) in order to balance the dataset.
  3. Synthetic sampling: This involves generating new examples for the minority class using techniques such as the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE).
  4. Rebalancing: This involves adjusting the weights of the examples in the dataset so that the overall class distribution is balanced.
  5. Data cleaning: This involves identifying and removing errors or outliers in the dataset that may be causing the imbalance.

It is important to note that data balancing should be performed carefully, as it can also introduce bias if not done correctly. For example, undersampling the majority class can result in the loss of important information, and oversampling the minority class can result in overfitting. It is therefore important to consider the specific characteristics of the dataset and choose the appropriate data balancing approach.

In summary, data balancing is a crucial step in the machine learning process that helps to ensure that the dataset is representative of the real-world population and that the resulting machine learning model is accurate and fair. There are several approaches to data balancing, including undersampling, oversampling, synthetic sampling, rebalancing, and data cleaning, and it is important to choose the appropriate approach based on the specific characteristics of the dataset.


Undersampling is a technique for data balancing in which the number of examples from the majority class (i.e. the class that is overrepresented in the dataset) is reduced in order to balance the dataset. This is often done in order to address class imbalances in the dataset, where one class is significantly larger than the other class.

One of the main advantages of undersampling is that it is computationally efficient, as it reduces the overall size of the dataset. This can be particularly useful when working with large datasets that may be difficult to process or when working with limited computational resources.

However, it is important to note that undersampling can also introduce bias into the dataset if not done correctly. For example, if the majority class contains important information that is not present in the minority class, then undersampling the majority class may result in the loss of this information. This can lead to a decrease in the performance of the machine learning model that is trained on the balanced dataset.

There are several ways to perform undersampling, including:

  1. Random undersampling: This involves randomly selecting a subset of the examples from the majority class and removing them from the dataset.
  2. Stratified undersampling: This involves selecting a subset of the examples from the majority class such that the class distribution in the subset is representative of the class distribution in the entire dataset.
  3. Cluster-based undersampling: This involves grouping the examples from the majority class into clusters and selecting a subset of the clusters for removal.

In summary, undersampling is a technique for data balancing that involves reducing the number of examples from the majority class in order to balance the dataset. It is computationally efficient but can introduce bias if not done correctly. There are several ways to perform undersampling, including random undersampling, stratified undersampling, and cluster-based undersampling.


Oversampling is a technique for data balancing in which the number of examples from the minority class (i.e. the class that is underrepresented in the dataset) is increased in order to balance the dataset. This is often done in order to address class imbalances in the dataset, where one class is significantly smaller than the other class.

One of the main advantages of oversampling is that it can improve the performance of a machine learning model on the minority class, as it increases the number of examples that the model can learn from. This can be particularly useful when working with imbalanced datasets where the minority class is of particular interest.

However, it is important to note that oversampling can also introduce bias into the dataset if not done correctly. For example, oversampling the minority class can lead to overfitting, where the model performs well on the training dataset but poorly on unseen data. This can be mitigated by using techniques such as cross-validation to evaluate the model on multiple folds of the dataset.

There are several ways to perform oversampling, including:

  1. Random oversampling: This involves randomly selecting additional examples from the minority class and adding them to the dataset.
  2. Synthetic oversampling: This involves generating new examples for the minority class using techniques such as the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE).
  3. Adaptive oversampling: This involves weighting the examples in the dataset such that the minority class has a higher weight, which leads to the model giving more importance to the minority class during training.

In summary, oversampling is a technique for data balancing that involves increasing the number of examples from the minority class in order to balance the dataset. It can improve the performance of a machine learning model on the minority class but can also introduce bias if not done correctly. There are several ways to perform oversampling, including random oversampling, synthetic oversampling, and adaptive oversampling.

Synthetic Sampling

Synthetic sampling is a technique for data balancing that involves generating new examples for the minority class in order to balance the dataset. One of the most commonly used synthetic sampling techniques is the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE).

SMOTE works by selecting a minority class example and finding its k nearest neighbors in the feature space. It then creates new examples for the minority class by interpolating between the selected example and its neighbors. These new examples are added to the dataset, resulting in an oversampled dataset that is balanced between the minority and majority classes.

There are several advantages to using SMOTE for synthetic sampling. First, it can effectively balance the dataset by generating a large number of new examples for the minority class. Second, it can improve the performance of a machine learning model on the minority class by providing additional examples for the model to learn from.

However, it is important to note that SMOTE can also introduce bias into the dataset if not used carefully. For example, if the minority class is not well-separated from the majority class in the feature space, then SMOTE may generate examples that are not representative of the true minority class distribution. This can lead to overfitting, where the model performs well on the training dataset but poorly on unseen data.

In summary, synthetic sampling is a technique for data balancing that involves generating new examples for the minority class in order to balance the dataset. The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) is a commonly used synthetic sampling technique that works by interpolating between a minority class example and its neighbors in the feature space. While SMOTE can effectively balance the dataset and improve the performance of a machine learning model on the minority class, it can also introduce bias if not used carefully


Rebalancing is a technique for data balancing that involves adjusting the weights of the examples in the dataset so that the overall class distribution is balanced. This is often done in order to address class imbalances in the dataset, where one class is significantly larger or smaller than the other class.

One of the main advantages of rebalancing is that it can be done without altering the original examples in the dataset. This can be particularly useful when the original examples are of high quality and it is not desirable to generate new examples or remove existing ones.

There are several ways to perform rebalancing, including:

  1. Weighted sampling: This involves assigning higher weights to the examples from the minority class and lower weights to the examples from the majority class. This results in the model giving more importance to the minority class during training, which can improve its performance on the minority class.
  2. Cost-sensitive learning: This involves assigning higher costs to misclassifying examples from the minority class and lower costs to misclassifying examples from the majority class. This results in the model giving more importance to correctly classifying examples from the minority class, which can also improve its performance on the minority class.

It is important to note that rebalancing can also introduce bias into the dataset if not done correctly. For example, if the weights are not chosen carefully, then the model may give too much or too little importance to certain examples, leading to poor performance.

In summary, rebalancing is a technique for data balancing that involves adjusting the weights of the examples in the dataset in order to balance the overall class distribution. There are several ways to perform rebalancing, including weighted sampling and cost-sensitive learning. While rebalancing can be effective at improving the performance of a machine learning model on the minority class, it can also introduce bias if not done correctly.

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is a technique for data balancing that involves identifying and removing errors or outliers in the dataset that may be causing the imbalance. This is often done in order to address class imbalances in the dataset, where one class is significantly larger or smaller than the other class.

There are several ways to perform data cleaning, including:

  1. Identifying and correcting errors: This involves identifying and correcting any errors in the data, such as typos, incorrect values, or missing values. This can help to ensure that the data is accurate and representative of the real-world population.
  2. Identifying and removing outliers: This involves identifying and removing any examples that are significantly different from the rest of the data. Outliers can be caused by errors in the data collection process or may represent rare events that are not representative of the overall population. Removing outliers can help to reduce the class imbalance and improve the performance of the machine learning model.
  3. Filtering the data: This involves selecting a subset of the data that meets certain criteria and removing the rest. For example, if the class imbalance is caused by a large number of examples with missing values, then the data can be filtered to only include examples with complete data. This can help to reduce the class imbalance and improve the performance of the machine learning model.

It is important to note that data cleaning can also introduce bias into the dataset if not done carefully. For example, if important information is removed from the data, then the resulting dataset may not be representative of the real-world population.

In summary, data cleaning is a technique for data balancing that involves identifying and removing errors or outliers in the dataset that may be causing the imbalance. There are several ways to perform data cleaning, including identifying and correcting errors, identifying and removing outliers, and filtering the data. While data cleaning can be effective at reducing the class imbalance and improving the performance of the machine learning model, it can also introduce bias if not done carefully.


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